6 Best SEO Strategy To Widen Your Search Traffic
SEO formally referred to as Search Engine Optimisation is entirely responsible for the reach on your e-commerce website.
Understanding SEO before starting to use it on your website is very important if you want to increase your brand awareness and reach significantly.
There are numerous organisations doing exactly what you are doing, so what makes you think that you would be in the vicinity of the audience desiring for his:her particular search? That’s where SEO swoops in.
Using SEO correctly would help people in finding what they’re searching for, thereby bringing you to the spotlight, giving you a wide spectrum to widen your audience reach.
A research shows that approximately 40% of website traffic starts with a search query, that is what makes Search Engine Optimisation the most crucial element of marketing.
Staying on the top of the search engine is not as easy as it is usually taken, it takes a lot of planning, research and proper implementation to appear at the zenith of the page. Google’s Algorithm keeps changing so make sure to be updated with all the changes and tune in the latest news. All it takes is a bit of practise and experimentation to become your own SEO expert.
With the advent of the internet, everything has magically appeared online. People do not usually want to step outside to surf through the products, their instant reaction is to google that product right away to have a gist of the price, description and chances are, if the product stands out of the box, the customer can’t resist taking it.
Approximately 60% of people worldwide are searching for their desired service/products on the web before buying it.
So is the case with any service. Let’s say there’s a person who wants to get his website created, they will indubitably search on the internet and choose what appears first in front of their eyes. It is more than obvious that once your website starts appearing on the first page of the search engine, you’ll automatically have more traffic, leading to the process of conversion of people from visitors to buyers, broadening your customer base.
But the real question is, is it that easy to appear on the first page of the search engine? Research shows that approximately 75% of the users don’t bother to check out the next pages of the search engine because they have already got their query solved on the first page itself.
Here are 6 significant techniques that you can start implementing right away to get more visitors. Conversion doesn’t mean getting traffic, it means closing the deals by enhancing your revenue of course which is only possible when you appear on the first page.
You can only sell when you are seen.
1. Run An SEO Audit On Your

You can only think of a solution when you are aware of the problem. Auditing your website would help in letting you know why you aren't able to get enough search traffic or sales.
An audit is a proper examination of an event, concept or a financial book which is executed to understand where does your website stand and how to figure out possible solutions to make smart decisions in the future.
If you want to get started with SEO on the right track, Audit is the magical key which will help you in hacking the growth and attract customers.
What to look for in a website auditing?
- Is each and every page of your website equipped with SEO? (Meta Title, descriptions etc)
- Have you dumped keywords in every page for boosting SEO?
- Is your URL structure well organised?
- Have you used keywords in the images?
- Are you using proper links in your content?
- Is the page arranged properly? (Desktop View and Mobile view).
Keywords stuffing should be avoided at all costs, remember, the goal is to feed, not choke it with over feeding of keywords.
The URL should be short and appropriate so the search engine can decode what the page is about.
2. Understand The Needs Of Your Users
Now think of yourself as Google, it only displays data that it finds the most relevant, when you understand your target audience, you automatically know how to create the content which will attract customers and develop content that will draw them towards you.
Make sure to get the feedback from your visitors, ask them about their experience. Good or bad, the feedback will only help you in figuring out what you are doing correctly and what can be worked on.
The opinion of your audience is all that matters. It is them who decides whose ideal, wordings and content gets shared the most or has the most views.
If you are a budding company, it is hard to have enough audience to take feedback from, if you have no real customers, you can consider taking feedback from your ideal customers. But how do you do that?
Surveys are your one stop answer.
- Make use of social media platforms like Quora
- Analyse which post is getting shared the most
- Run through your most popular page in Google analytics
- Listen carefully to every comment on your post
3. Create SEO Optimised Landing Page
In simple language, the more landing pages you create, the more points you get for attracting your target audience. If your landing page is well designed, it will enhance your visits and perk up your sales.
However, the concept of landing page isn’t understood by numerous B2B companies. This is why they majorly focus on the home page rather than the landing page.
So how does one create a good landing page?
- There should be no navigation. Your user would want to stay on the same page throughout
- Crisp, short, useful and informative content
- A call to action facility will allow them to sign up for your product, service or simply want a notification.
4. Make Your Website Mobile Friendly
People eat, sleep, travel with their phones. It is very important to make your website mobile friendly, now more than ever if you want to stay on good terms with the customer and welcome them back. Blatantly speaking, it is more important to
Since google went first on mobile devices, they make sure to rank the websites on the basis of their display on mobile devices. If you have followed SEO thoroughly but missed out on the designing part, you’re going to face difficulty in appearing on the first page of the search engine.
Approximately 60% of product/service search is done on mobile devices, if your website appears poorly, the visitor will automatically exit your website.
The mobile sites are optimised as per their screen width and their texts are easy to read. If you want to make sure your website is mobile friendly, you can do so by using Google’s Mobile Testing Tool.
5. Use Infographics
A graphic goes way faster than texts. Infographic gives you a liberty to display complex information in an easy, visual manner without asking the customer to go through the entire content. Half of the online shoppers are visual learners, quality infographics can help in cranking up the reach by at least 200 percent.
Take yourself for example, if there’s a blog and a quirky, attractive infographic, it’s obvious that your eyes would automatically direct to the direction of the colourful planet, which is infographics. A human brain is capable of processing data 600% more while learning visually than reading it. Which is why you start creating a loyal audience when you release an infographic on your website.
Unfortunately, people don’t really understand that an infographic is not all about graphics, if the information is lacking, it will be attractive but not efficient. Quality designing is important but you also need to back it up with relevant facts and figures.
You can also release an entire blog giving its gist in the infographic that can be shared on social media, backed with a link to the blog.
6. Try To Keep The Length of Your Blog till 1500, minimum
Although it is not mandatory yet, it is highly advised to take the length of your blog at least till 1500 if you want to appear on the first page of the search engine.
There have been several studies learning the correlation between the length of the content and its Search Engine Ranking, proving that content with higher words stand a chance of higher ranking.
However, make sure to not compromise with the quality of the content just for the sake of increasing the word count. No one would prefer a long length and boring paragraph over a short but crisp and intriguing content.
Make sure to write smaller lines so that it’s readable rather than writing the entire blog in one or two paragraphs. Consistently releasing content with 1500 words would eventually help in organic search traffic.
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